【Last Call】五折入住日韩希尔顿套房
五折入住日韩希尔顿套房,折后价格可能比普通标准间还要便宜?这种毛不薅更待何时?小编的Lsat Call来了!截止日期可是后天11号哦!有刚需的快快摆好姿势Y(^o^)Y
值得注意: 此次活动详情折扣为:豪华和行政房型最高折扣35%,套房最高折扣45%,累计希尔顿荣誉客会额外5%,这样最高就可以半折拿下套房!一定看好预订截止日期是本月11号哦!赶上这个末班车吧~~
Offer valid at all participating Hilton Worldwide properties across Japan and South Korea for stays booked between 27 September 2016, 2pm JST, and 11 October 2016, 2pm JST, and completed between 27 September 2016 and 31 March 2017. Offer is valid only for selected room types at participating properties and may include Suites, Deluxe and Executive-type rooms. Offer is subject to availability. Blackout dates may apply and vary by property. Rates are valid for single/double occupancy and are exclusive of all taxes, incidental charges, gratuities, and resort fees where applicable. Discount rate varies by room-type and property. Discount is up to 45% off Flexible Rate (“BAR”) for Suites and ranges between 15-35% off BAR for Deluxe and Executive rooms across all participating properties. Hilton HHonors members will receive an additional 5% off BAR. Flexible Rate is specific rate type that may vary depending on time of purchase, are unrestricted, non-qualified and excludes discount rates. If you are making this reservation by phone, please request Plan Code “MPRO48” or the “Sweet Suite Sale” package.
希尔顿此次发起针对日韩套房的折扣还是蛮大的,这样算下来,或许入住一间套房的价格还会比标准间便宜!这绝对是个值得薅的毛,如果有计划日韩的积友们,赶紧套房订起来!小编这绝对是个Last Call!!毕竟截止日期就是后天11号啦!