【戏剧性反转】 温德姆取消匹配活动
温德姆集团刚刚发布一个12小时only的活动: 如果你是SPG会员,只需要做下面的两件事情: 1. 将你账户里的全部SPG分数捐赠给慈善机构,并将交易活动截图 2. 截图显示你的SPG分数为零,同时显示你的SPG会员等级 将截图发至:wyndhamrewards.fulfillment@wyn.com 一旦温德姆验证你的信息,将会匹配给你所捐赠分数4倍的温德姆分数, 比如,你捐1万分SPG,温德姆会给你4万分。 我们知道,温德姆目前的兑换比例是,任何酒店都需要15000分一晚,无论是super8 这样的大车店还是最高的的曼哈顿旗舰店。 活动详情请点击这里。 不知道有多少人参加这个活动?相当于将SPG分数1:4变为温德姆分数,且不可逆转。 同时,温德姆还提供等级匹配,SPG金卡匹配它家白金,SPG白金卡匹配它家钻石会员,匹配等级有效期到2017年12月31日。所以,如果你不愿意匹配分数,只进行等级match应该也是可以的。 温德姆的等级简介请看这里,就钻卡还有点用处。 |
SPG Members, it's time for a LOYALTY INTERVENTION!
Not all loyalty programs are created equal. On the heels of being named U.S. News & World Report’s http://www.3798.com/article-2571-1.html#1 hotel rewards program, a new survey by leading consulting firm IdeaWorks has named Wyndham Rewards the most generous among leading hotel loyalty programs, offering more than 2x the reward value return (13.6% vs 5.6%)1 of the last place program.
Now Wyndham Rewards wants to spread the magic of its award-winning program by giving SPG members an unprecedented opportunity to swap their points at a 4 to 1 ratio, plus receive a status level match, but they have to act fast.我简单说一下,喜达屋白金直接Status Match温德姆顶级会员,而温德姆的最贵的酒店也只需要15000分就可以住,折合喜达屋3750分。
Here's how it works:
On Tuesday, October 11 from 12p.m. – 11:59p.m. EST, SPG members have the historic opportunity to donate their points to charity in exchange for 4x the points with Wyndham Rewards – plus a status match.
To participate, members simply need to donate their entire SPG point balance to their preferred charity, and then send proof of their donation to Wyndham Rewards by sending screen shots to wyndhamrewards.fulfillment@wyn.com.
Two screen shots are required – one showing confirmation of the point donation and a second showing the member’s account activity page with a zero balance.
There is no cap on how many points members may donate or earn. Members may expect to receive the points and match within 10 days.
Wyndham Rewards is the only program in the world to offer its members a free-night stay at any of its nearly 8,000 hotels for a flat 15,000 points with no blackout dates. Not a member? Join for free at www.wyndhamrewards.com/join.