2017年开年伊始,丽思卡尔顿酒店集团旗下国内首座高尔夫度假酒店— 海口丽思卡尔顿酒店开门迎客。酒店坐落于实至名归的高球天堂海南岛,旨在为国内外高尔夫爱好者及家庭游客带来更高水准的豪华休闲体验。丽思卡尔顿酒店集团总裁兼首席运营官何威乐(Hervé Humler)先生表示:“海南岛现已成为亚太地区最振奋人心的新兴旅行目的地之一。我们将与合作伙伴— 观澜湖集团携手打造全世界最引人入胜的挥杆及休闲旅行体验。海南岛拥有绚烂多姿的地方文化,其与众不同的旅行体验为旅行者呈现前所未见的中华风貌,可谓家庭游客及与亲朋好友一道游览探索的理想之地。”The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Companyhas teed off 2017 with the opening of its first golf resort in China, ideally located in the golfer’s paradise of Hainan Island. The Ritz-Carlton, Haikou ushers in a new era of luxury leisure experiences, situated on the world-class golf resort of Mission Hills whichboasts ten 18-hole championship courses designed by golf’s greatest architects.
SELECT command denied to user 'cha_djjd'@'localhost' for table 'phome_ecms_id' select title,titlepic,id,wr,mr,ri from cha_dingjijiudia.***_ecms_id where id='835'