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SPG旗下Tribute Portfolio官方中文名定位“臻品之选”


Tribute Portfolio官方中文名定位“臻品之选”,隶属喜达屋酒店集团旗下全新品牌。满足宾客所需的精致、特立独行的奢华超五星定制型服务。

而上海世茂佘山艾美酒店将摘牌、重新装修,作为喜达屋在华第一家Tribute Portfolio(臻品之选)酒店对外迎客。



同时,作为中国的第二家“臻品之选”酒店—弥勒红河水乡臻品之选酒店(Tribute Portfolio , Honghe Nativeland , Mile)也将在2018年建成投入使用,以别墅酒店形式呈现。

Tribute PortfolioTM品牌是喜达屋集团2015年4月成立的,囊括了一系列卓越的独立酒店与度假酒店,致力于为业主、SPG俱乐部会员以及宾客打造“Stay Independent”的住宿体验。Tribute Portfolio品牌计划在第一年内开设10家酒店,并于2020年底前打造百家Tribute Portfolio酒店。酒店的初期拓展计划将集中在北美和欧洲,同时将在品牌创立的第一年里辐射至全球其他市场。同其它九大品牌一样,SPG俱乐部会员不仅可通过Tribute Portfolio酒店累积并兑换Starpoints积分,还能享受丰厚的精英级别礼遇,如客房升级、迎宾礼品、延迟退房服务等。




  • Le Dokhan’s, a Tribute Portfolio Hotel, Paris, France. A 19th-century Haussmann building, where the first champagne bar opened its doors, has been reimagined as a chic and charming hotel.
  • Le Metropolitan, a Tribute Portfolio Hotel, Paris, France. Close to the Eiffel Tower and the Trocadero Gardens, this boutique hotel is housed in a heritage 19th-century Parisian building.
  • Great Northern Hotel, London, England, UK. This British landmark was the world’s first great railway hotel and is now a boutique hotel in the heart of King's Cross St. Pancras.
  • Avenue of the Arts Costa Mesa, a Tribute Portfolio Hotel, California, USA. Check in to the elegant, modern hotel, which is close to world-class recreational activities, acclaimed arts, and legendary shopping and entertainment.
  • Other Tribute Portfolio locations include the SLS Las Vegas and The Riviera Palm Springs, along with Tribute Portfolio hotels in Miami, Jakarta (Indonesia), London and Hokkaido (Japan).


Base在江浙一带的筒子们有福利了!因为你们可以参加喜达屋“大神龙”活动啦!1W分就到手啦!上海、苏州的W,上海静安瑞吉,上海Tribute Protfolio即将开业,水舍·上海南外滩酒店(DESIGN HOTELS),苏州科技城源宿酒店,还有其他大众品牌,11个品牌集齐就能召唤大神龙啦!


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