此前,SPG俱乐部会员可将 Starpoints积分兑换为拉斯维加斯、大西洋城、太浩湖等地参与的凯撒娱乐集团酒店的住宿。 此外,会员一旦注册即可赚取 Starpoints积分以及SPG俱乐部尊贵资格房晚积分,可用于在凯撒娱乐集团酒店的住宿。虽然权益不大,但是可以赚取积分,或者是用积分兑换凯撒房晚。
Starting January 1, 2017, SPG members may no longer book Starpoint redemption reservations at Caesars Entertainment destinations due to the conclusion of this partnership. Existing reservations taking place at a Caesars Entertainment property in 2017 are still valid and will be honored as confirmed. If you must cancel a reservation on or before December 31, 2016 please do so through SPG.com. If you must cancel a reservation on or after January 1, 2017, SPG members should email research@starwoodhotels.com with subject line: "Caesars" and provide the redemption reservation number, Caesars Entertainment property, arrival and departure date, first name, last name and email address associated with the reservation.
Best regards,
William R. Sanders
Social Media Specialist
Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide